Startup Consultation


Date:April 2016


Type:Consultation on Startup Culture

My close friends and I joined a beer inspired hackathon. A hackathon is a time constrained app building contest. We designed a party registry app that would let guests know what a host needs for their event. We named the service BYOP (Bring your own party). We won the hackathon and were later asked to come in and consult for AB/In Bev during a mock accelerator.

To comply with my confidentiality agreement I have omitted and appropriated confidential information.


Guests rarely know what to bring to a party. Hosts may not be able to fund a large party by themselves.

Our solution was to create a party registry that would allow guests to pre-purchase supplies for a party that the host may need. All of the items would be bought and delivered 2 hours before the party started using delivery.com